This paper Santa house with fun Christmas characters is a must for any kid or adult who loves having a go at crafts.

Christmas is fast approaching and a time when everyone loves a Christmas craft.
This Santa house is easy to put together and comes with clear easy instructions to put it all together.
This Santa is not only fun to put together but you can also enjoy hours of pretend playtime with this Christmas Craft.
This Santa house comes with six fun Christmas characters to play with including Santa Claus and Mrs Claus and a few of their friends.
It could also be used as a Christmas ornament or decoration, this Santa house also has a door that you can open and you can leave the roof half open to be used as a playhouse.
You could also put a tea light in it for it to be used as a Christmas light decoration.

You can colour/color this paper Santa house in or leave it plain like I have above.
Anyway here`s would you need to make your own festive Christmas paper Santa house.
Santa House templates from Greenpixiedesigns buy here
Level, Medium (Some parts are fiddly and a adults help might be needed)
You will need 1,Printer
2,Quality A4 Paper or card stock.
I recommend you use around 220gsm on stock card as this will go though most printers and will be easy to use for this project.
3,Scissors, you might find smaller scissors will be easier to use with some of the more fiddly parts.
4, Glue stick
5, Felt tips pens or colouring/coloring pencils I also recommend that a adult help and supervise your child with the cutting out and putting together of this Santa House.
So now once your ready, now for the fun part.
Let`s put it all together
First colour/color in your Santa house and character templates or you can leave it black and white.
After this you can start making your Santa house.
1, Cut out page 1 Now cut around the broken line on the right side and the top of the front door, be careful not to cut down into the tag at the bottom, next fold the door forward to create the opening of the front door. 2, Next cut out pages 2,3, and 4 Place the pages on their backs and fold all the tags inwards. Next get your glue stick, glue and join up all the side of the house. Until you have a rectangle shape. See pictures below.

3, Next Cut out page 5, The Floor Your tags on the base on the house should be flat on the floor when standing. Glue around the edge of the floor and place carefully so that the house should fit perfectly on it, press the tags down onto the floor until the floor and tags stick together. See pictures below.

6, Cut out pages 6 and 7, Roof top front and back. Place the roof tops on their fronts and fold the tags inwards, now ONLY glue for now the bottom tag, carefully line up with the front and the back of the house and press the two tags together, the roof tops will be a little floppy until the roof is put on. See pictures below.

7, Next cut out pages 8 and 9, The Roof Glue the tags on page 8 and carefully place page 9 on these tags so the two sides are aligned and form one large roof .
Next fold along the black line in the middle so the chimney will be on one side, be carefully to fold the correct line and you will know this by the chimney will be in the correct position and up right when the roof is place on.
Now glue all the tags still showing on the sides on the house and on the roof tops front and back. (You can also only glue one side of the tags and then you can open the roof to see inside like I have done in the pictures below.
Now carefully place the roof on these tags and push together to make them stick together.

8, Your Santa house will be finished, now all is left is to, cut out and put together your Christmas characters.
So let`s cut out pages 10 and 11 Cut out each character and cut up the broken lines underneath the picture of the character.
Next to each Christmas character will be a long rectangle, cut these out and fold these in half, these will create the base for them to stand up, next slot the characters onto the base and these will stand up.
See pictures below.

I hope you have fun making my amazing Santa House and Christmas characters paper playhouse.

Don`t forget I have many more printable crafts at my Esty shop @greenpixiedesigns
Have a great Christmas
And happy crafting